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Global Search

exVim use ex-gsearch for global search. It also integrate the id-utils building pipeline which is required in ex-gsearch. In short, when you use :Update command, exVim will generate the ID file which will be used in ex-gsearch.

Search Text

ex-gsearch has two main ways for search text in your project.

  1. <leader>gg: It will search the current words under the cursor.
  2. :GS <word>: It will searcht the <word> you input in command line.

After search, ex-gsearch will list the result in the global search window. Press <enter> on the result and exVim will jump to it in edit-window.


ex-gsearch will show the search results like this:


However, sometimes there will be too many search results and we would like to filter it. ex-gsearch allow user apply Vim's search commands such as /, ? and so on (more details type :help search-commands). After you confirm the Vim's search pattern, you can use ex-gsearch's filter command filter the result right in the global search window.

Each search result can divided into file part and content part, ex-gsearch provide four filter methods for different filter purpose:

Commands Usage
<leader>r Remove the search results in whiches content part not contains the Vim's search pattern.
<leader>d Remove the search results in whiches content part contains the Vim's search pattern.
<leader>fr Remove the search results in whiches file part not contains the Vim's search pattern.
<leader>fd Remove the search results in whiches file part contains the Vim's search pattern.

The cool thing is, you can use these filter methods again and again till the result less enough to choose. For instance:

  1. Try to :GS test and get the search result for 'test'.
  2. We want only result with 'test foobar'. So try to search 'test foobar' by Vim's / in the search result window.
  3. Use <leader>r filter it.
  4. We want only file testXXX.js. Again try to search 'test*.js' by Vim's / in the filtered results.
  5. Use <leader>fr filter it.
  6. ...


You will get your search result after all.


Search by word

The <leader>gg and :GS command will search the text includes or equals to the words. Sometimes we want the exactly words, not the part of them. You can use Vim's search pattern \<word\> in filter. But there is a quick way to do this. Just move your cursor to the search title and press gd, Vim will automatically search the word under cursor and put it in between \< and \> as search pattern.

Get prev/next search results

The ex-gsearch's search result window is just a Vim buffer. Every time you search or filter in it will make it record an undo history. You can use u and <ctrl-r> to get the prev or next search result.


The Known Issues #2 and #3 shows the issues of id-utils
when working in Windows.

When I use :GS search the text "foo::bar", it shows me nothing.

When you use :GS command search text such as "foobar.h", "foo::bar" and "". It gets no result, but you are 100% that these words are contains in your code.

This is because ex-gsearch only accept words, which means you can not include symbols such as dot, comma even space in your :GS command.

Instead of search the whold "foo::bar" pattern, we suggest you search "foo" first by :GS foo. After that use ex-gsearch's filter method search the "foo::bar" and <leader>r to pick them.